The Consultation

School of Nursing and Healthcare

Consultation Panel:
  • Convener: Professor Andrea Nolan, Senior Vice-Principal
  • Peter Daniels, Lay member of Court
  • Professor Richard Cogdell, Senior member of academic staff
  • Clerk: Wendy Muir

Terms of Reference of Consultation Process

The University's Senior Management Group (SMG) has a wide range of data on the performance of individual subject areas with respect to the Key Performance Indicators contained in the strategic plan, relative performance of the unit in the last Research Assessment Exercise, current research income and publications, student demand and performance in the UK subject league tables.
The process of consultation should consider these data and also answer the following points, as a minimum, through consultation with students, the SRC, staff and other stakeholders: 
  • The SMG proposition is that the current activity is not well aligned with the University’s strategy. Is there evidence that rebuts this proposition? 
  • What is the impact across the University of withdrawing/reshaping this activity on the student experience and the development of new interdisciplinary undergraduate or taught postgraduate courses? Are there alternative methods of addressing demand, including other providers in the City of Glasgow, the West of Scotland or Scotland? 
  • How will the education of students currently on degree programmes in the area be protected?
  • How does the current research in the unit align with the priorities of the research councils or other major funders of research?
  • What would be the impact of withdrawing/reshaping this area on the University’s interdisciplinary research agenda?
  • To what extent does research in the unit inform the development of teaching programmes in the University? Is this commensurate with an excellent research intensive university?
  • What is the impact across the University of withdrawing/reshaping this activity on our global reach and reputation including the recruitment of international students
  • Who are the stakeholders, in addition to staff and students, who will be affected by the proposed changes? What are their views? Can their needs or wishes be met in other ways if the proposed action is taken?
  • Are there other features arising from the  University withdrawing/reshaping this activity which Court should be mindful of in terms of the University’s impact on the national and regional community?
  • Does the Equality Impact Assessment on students or staff of the proposed changes require mitigating actions to be taken?


Extract from Court Paper

1.1.1      School of Interdisciplinary Studies (Dumfries) – Liberal Arts Programmes

When the Dumfries Campus was established over 10 years ago the Liberal Arts programmes provided the core activity. Over time new undergraduate courses in Environmental Stewardship and Primary Education together with postgraduate courses in Carbon Management have become the dominant activities. The Liberal Arts degrees are far less popular with undergraduates than 10 years ago and they no longer fit the School’s or College’s strategies. Stopping delivery of these courses might result in savings in salary costs after the current student cohorts have been taught out.

Extract from Court Paper

1.1.1      School of Medicine – Nursing

The College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences has a clear set of research priorities as articulated in the strategic plans of the University, MVLS and Research Institutes. Current research activity in the Subject area of Nursing is relatively small and not currently integrated with the College’s Research Institutes. There is currently an over provision of graduate nurses in Scotland and there are discussions within Government to reduce the number of nurses being educated in Scottish Universities. These facts combine to prompt the College to withdraw from teaching undergraduate nursing. There will be an eventual saving in salaries. Withdrawal from Nursing would also allow the University to vacate buildings in Oakfield Avenue.